Marketing in the Age of COVID-19
We can't deny that the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything, including how we do business.

The world stood still, people had no idea what to do next, and lives were forever changed.

This includes how companies marketed to consumers. While people were under a shelter marketers had to change their marketing strategises.

Their audience was watching the planet through a replacement lens. Due to these changes, video creation and distribution were checked out with an entire new emphasis than before the pandemic.

People were checking out new hobbies, ways of completing tasks that were left for “another day” and exploring opportunities for when “they had time”.

This pandemic left many consumers with nothing but time, and interesting trends have emerged in what consumers looked for online.

A quick check out Google Trends offers insight into what people needed, and actively looked for during this pandemic.

More people became interested in businesses and corporations that offered some kind of video content, along side a feel-good message, because it helped them hold close hope for a better future.

Providing your audience with these is a method to endear your audience to your brand.