Getting started with digital marketing involves much more than deciding whether you’re going to post on LinkedIn or Facebook, or use SEO on Shopify or WordPress.
Digital marketing is all about nailing the bigger picture. Once you’ve got a strategy in place and understand who you’re talking to, you can hone in on the details and the tactical things you’ll do to get the results you’re after.
So before you jump into digital marketing make sure you follow these steps:

1. Start with your audience
If you would like your digital marketing to achieve success, it must be customer oriented. Putting your customers at the forefront of your strategy will make sure that any activity you are doing addresses their needs.

When people find your content interesting, helpful and galvanizing, you’re more likely to be seen by them as a business they need to interact with.

Start by determining who your prospective customers are, where they find information, what they’re curious about and what challenges they face (read our blog on creating user personas to find out how to do this).

A customer journey map will assist you understand what steps these people take from first interacting with you to creating a sale , so you'll identify key opportunities to engage them along the way.
2. build a strategy
The next tread on your thanks to digital marketing success is to place in place a well thought-out digital marketing strategy.

This is an idea that helps your business achieve specific digital goals via selected online marketing channels.

The strategy should outline your goals, the measurable objectives you’ll use to realize them, your audience and their customer journey, how you'll define success, and should also include competitor analysis, budget and time-frame .
3. Build (or rebuild) your website to align with your strategy
Your website is that the focus of all of your digital marketing activity.

Everything should direct people back to it to take further action, whether it’s to get in touch with you, download a free guide or make a purchase.

If you currently have a website and it’s not driving the traffic or conversions you’d like it to, it might be time for a website audit to find out what needs to change.

Consider your SEO also to enhance your visibility on Google’s results pages.
4. Develop your tactical activity
The next step is to form an idea for what digital marketing activity you’ll be doing, the channels you’ll be using and therefore the budget you've got to try to to this.
Wondering whether podcasts or blogs are going to be simpler in reaching your audience? It all comes right down to your goals.
5. Put an effective reporting mechanism in place

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Finally, before getting started with any digital marketing activity, confirm you recognize how you’re getting to measure its success.

There’s little point in doing something if you don’t skills effective it's , so found out a reporting system which will keep you within the loop and ensure you’re making data-driven decisions.

Factor in time to review the info and retain the pliability to form changes or improvements as you go.

Get started with your digital marketing strategy